
Archive for September 2nd, 2020|Daily archive page


In Bureaucracy, History, Politics, Social commentary on September 2, 2020 at 2:52 pm

COVID-19 has so far stricken 6.9 million Americans and caused 185,000 deaths. The virus is raging across the country.

The “miracle economy” that President Donald Trump has often boasted of creating has all but vanished as Americans stay home and/or employers lay off employees.

Still, Right-wing Americans refuse to admit the virus is real, wear masks or socially distance from others.

Typical of these is Trish Regan, host of Trish Regan Primetime on the Fox Business Network. On March 9, she attacked not the virus but those who didn’t stand behind Trump:

“We’ve reached a tipping point. The hate is boiling. Many in the liberal media are using Coronavirus in an attempt to demonize and destroy the President, despite the virus originating halfway around the world.

“This is yet another attempt to impeach the President. And sadly, it seems the left cares little for any of the destruction they leave in their wake, including losses in the stock market. This, unfortunately, is all just part of the political casualties for them.

“This is impeachment all over again. And like with the Mueller investigation, like with Ukraine-gate, they don’t care who they hurt. Whether it be their need to create mass hysteria to encourage a market sell-off unlike anything we’ve seen recently, or whether it be to create mass hysteria to stop our economy dead in its tracks, don’t kid yourself. They told us how much they crave a recession as a way to get rid of Donald Trump.”

Trish Regan: Schumer's lousy apology after inciting violence isn't acceptable - YouTube

Trish Regan

To make certain no one in the television audience missed the point, an electronically generated caption read: “Coronavirus Impeachment Scam.”

On the same day that Regan accused Trump’s critics of being haters, Trump himself was directing hate through his weapon of choice: Twitter: 

“The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, ‘The risk is low to the average American.’”

Actually, with the virus spreading quickly throughout at least 33 states, the risk is not low to the average American. It is not the news that’s fake, but the lies and ignorance Trump is spouting.

SARS-CoV-2 without background.png


And: “Now the Democrats are trying to smear Bernie with Russia, Russia, Russia. They are driving him Crazy!”

National security officials had warned that Russia—through its state-owned media—was trying to sow social media agitation and disinformation within the United States. The goal: To ensure that Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders won the Democratic nomination for President. 

According to these officials, Russian President Vladimir Putin believed Sanders would be far easier for Trump—his preferred candidate—to beat in November.

During the 2016 Presidential race, Trump openly called on “Russia”—i.e., Vladimir Putin—to “find the 33,000 emails that are missing [from Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s computer]. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Hours later, the Main Intelligence Directorate in Moscow targeted Clinton’s personal office and hit more than 70 other Clinton campaign accounts. 

Vladimir Putin (2020-02-20).jpg

Vladimir Putin

Kremlin.ru / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)  

And still more from Trump: “The Obama/Biden Administration is the most corrupt Administration in the history of our Country!”

This was a lie. President Barack Obama was never the subject of a Congressional or Special Prosecutor investigation—unlike Trump, who was impeached last December by the House of Representatives but acquitted by a majority-Republican Senate in February.

Making matters worse for Trump: Since taking office, he had claimed responsibility for the success of the stock market. 

On August 28, 2018, appearing on “Fox and Friends,” Trump had boasted: “I tell you what, if I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash, I think everybody would be very poor.” 

And now the market—owing to fears of Coronavirus and Trump’s failures to stem it—was tanking.

On Facebook, a NYMAG.COM story on Trish Regan’s rant ignited the following reactions:

Are these Fox News people asses or what? The entire country of Italy is shut down because of this virus. The virus doesn’t give a fat rat’s ass about Trump or impeachment. Just about spreading and infecting.” 

And: “OMG. Someone needs to sue Fox News. News is supposed to be factual reported events. I saw a news clip from Fox suggesting this is blown out of proportion by the democrats just to hurt Trump. Idiots, I used to work for the CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention). Better listen to what they say. The President lies…. Sue Fox News for libel.”  

The truth is that people like Trish Regan are not asses. Assuming they are allows them to skirt responsibility for the lies and slanders they hurl—and the consequences these bring.

They know what they’re doing—and that is to keep in power a Russian-supported tyrant by any means at hand.

And since the truth won’t help them they resort to lies—even if untold numbers of trusting Americans follow their “advice” and become victims of a raging and deadly virus.